Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today's the Day

Yesterday, I took my bike out for a shake down ride - as it turns out quite a sensible move as I'd not had time to ride it since transfering everything onto a Super Galaxy frame. I chose a 100km Audax ride, the Mam Tor 100km ride in the peak district, quite fortunate as it turned out.

I found that the chain set that I have on the bike is unsuitable. It was a replacement fitted by a bike shop in Ripon when my left crank self destructed itself. There's more teeth on the rings and I'd coped with the raised gearing until yesterday. The climb towards Mam Tor from Edale is where I decided to bail out. I chose an easier route back to base but was only 8km short of the ride's distance but several stiff climbs were avoided. I've fitted the original chainset.

Yesterday was a sticky day and I'd have welcomed any sort of breeze including a headwind to assist with the evaporation of sweat. I got through Six litres of fluid on the ride and a couple more afterwards. I had a no. 4 cut last night as my head overheated on the ride. Looking at the size of the pile of hair on the floor gave me a surprise it was far more than I'd anticipated as I'm thin on the top (wish I was thin round the waist!) but there again it represented a year's growth.

I'll be returning for another bite at the Mam Tor next year - hopefully lighter too.

Everythings now packed and not a lot to do. The check list has been checked - twice and once more for good measure. It's just a matter of getting to the station. my wife offered to take me by car. I'm not refusing the offer.

The adventure begins....


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